

You Asked Me To - Alison Krauss

翻唱自Waylon Jennings的一首经典民谣

Alison Krauss 可以说是当今蓝草音乐的领军者,她的歌曲之所以吸引人是因其个人演唱魅力和她所创作的精致、纯正的蓝草音乐,Alison的歌曲中使用的乐器依然是小提琴、曼陀铃、木吉他和斑鸠琴这样蓝草的标准乐器,编曲配器也绝少矫饰,没有任何世俗渲染的音乐配上Alison Krauss清泉般透彻的歌声,演绎出无数心醉的歌曲

You Asked Me To --Alison Krauss

Long ago and far away
In my ol' common labor shoes
I turned the world all which a way
Just because you asked me to.

Like unto no other feel

simple love is simple true
There's no end to what I'd do
Just because you asked me.

Let the world call me a fool
But if things are right with me and you
That's all that matters
And I'll do
anything you asked me to.

Let the world call me a fool
But if things are right with me and you
That's all that matters
And I'll do
anything you asked me to.

Knowing how much I love you
And after all that I've been through
I'd turn and walk away from you
Just because you asked me to.


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